Recognized as The Employee App of Choice by Clearbox, Again! Learn More
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Trusted by Industry Leaders

Why organizations choose

Super easy and intuitive

Designed similar to popular consumer apps. No learning curve.

Onboards frontline staff

No corporate email address required. Connect everyone.

Secure and compliant

ISO 27001 certified. GDPR and HIPAA compliant secure platform.


An internal app store just for 
your organization

Provide employees unified access to all the internal and third-party tools they use such as billing, inventory, calendars, customer lists, and more via a private app store just for your company.


Break down complex enterprise apps

Enterprise apps are heavy and pack a ton of features, but most employees need access to just a minor subset of these features to get work done. Make work easier for them by breaking down complex enterprise apps into single-purpose task-specific micro-apps that offer a quick in-and-out experience. Micro-apps are lightweight, platform-agnostic, and always updated.


Rapidly design and deploy custom apps

Enable your IT team to develop custom apps with the integrated low-code rapid app development platform. Developers can use the pre-built embeddable templates that require minimal coding to instantly create and deploy custom apps to suit your unique business needs.


Sign in to all internal apps in one shot

Employees need not maintain several credentials and passwords—they can instantly sign in to multiple applications with a single ID with Single Sign-On.


Choose which apps your employees can access

Dynamically distribute apps to employees based on their role, function, department, etc. and ensure that employees have access to only the apps they need.


In-house team to help you build custom apps

Need custom solutions but your IT team doesn’t have the bandwidth to work on them? Our in-house professional services team will rapidly deliver custom apps and integrations to suit your organization’s needs.

Don't settle for 'almost right'

Customize every aspect of the app to meet your organization’s unique needs. Integrate your internal systems and apps into a unified solution with your logo and styling.

Get your own
branded app

Get your own branded, native mobile app to suit your organization’s styling.

Integrate with
existing systems

Integrate with the enterprise systems and apps that you use everyday.

Rapidly deploy
custom apps

Rapidly develop and deploy custom apps to employees to make work more efficient.

Connect the tools your employees already love

You’re in good company

Secure & Compliant

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