For Users

For Users

1. Getting Started with

2. Quick tour of the app

3. Groups and Chat in

4 Posting and searching in Groupe io

5. Desktop view of Groupe io


What is keeps you connected to your organization with announcements, events, chats, group discussions and more. You also get unified access to all relevant information and tools to power your workday.

Joining the network

Download the app on your phone

Download the app from App Store by searching for on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Join your organization’s network

There are 2 ways you can join your organization network depending on how the admin has set up the onboarding experience - invitation based and self-registration.

A - Invitation based

The admin of your organization may have sent your an invite via text message or email. If yes, click on the invitation link.

Note: If you have received the invite over email, make sure you open the email from your smartphone and then click on the link.

B - Self Registration

If you company has shared the QR code of the organization’s network, you may be able to join the spot without requiring an invitation. To join the spot using the QR code, please follow the steps below

Click on the verification link to complete the registration and join your Organization

Incase you are not able to click on the verification link, copy the verification code and paste the code in the registration screen to complete the process


The activity feed is the front page of your enterprise. All communications from the company and your peers will be posted here.

Peer to peer and group chats

You can view a list of all peer to peer and group conversations here.

Feed groups

Feed groups are a great way to have discussions with your peers on work related and non-work related topics with likes and comments.


The Apps tab gives you unified access to information and tools to help you through your workday. Simply click on an app to open it.