Look around you. Whether you visit a hotel or a coffee shop or a retail store or pass by a construction site or get some delivery at your doorstep, one thing is pretty unmissable. In all these places, the majority of the staff you interact with are frontline workers. In other words, they are blue-collared employees who don’t work out of an office setup with desks, desktop computers, etc.
They are also the firstline representatives from the brand you choose to engage with. A report says 73% of consumers claim customer service drives their purchasing decision. Therefore, these non-desk workers perform the most crucial duty: their level of service makes or breaks a customer’s relationship with a brand or outlet or agency.
Now, let’s trace some steps back. When is the level of service highly impressive? When the frontline staff know about their job, tasks at hand, trade, company policy and customers. And when will they have sufficient knowledge about these? When someone communicates these to the employees in a smooth, timely and efficient manner.
And here starts our story.